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    25800 W 10 Mile Rd
    Southfield, MI 48033

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    Cemetery Grounds

    March 15 - October 14

    8 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.

    October 15 - March 14

    8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

    Office Hours

    Monday - Friday

    8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.


    8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.

    Mass Celebration

    Rotunda Mausoleum Chapel

    9 a.m., third Friday of each month img

About CFCS

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Funeral and Cemetery Planning Guide
Funeral : Sharing The Moment


Sharing The Moment

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Cremation : Embracing New Traditions


Embracing New Traditions

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Cemetery : A Sanctuary For The Living


A Sanctuary For The Living

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Meet Our Staff

Jeffrey Koras

Nick Vaghy
Location Manager

Sherry Trombly
Assistant Location Manager

Samantha Waitinas
Assistant Location Manager

Leasha Ferreira
Administrative Assistant

Melisa Moussa
Administrative Assistant

Anita Kakos
Administrative Assistant

Cheryl Buscemi
Family Service Advisor

Angela Dianetti
Family Service Advisor

Brian Gasidlo
Family Service Advisor

Melissa Gries
Family Service Advisor

Patricia Kade
Family Service Advisor

Leanne Allen
Family Service Advisor

Miranda Pritchett
Family Service Advisor

Tammie Tencelski
Family Service Advisor

Lisa Powell
Family Service Advisor

Keith Dozier
Family Service Advisor

Daniel Wright
Family Service Advisor

Bianca Paul
Family Service Advisor

Sherry Kulakowsky
Family Service Advisor

Jonah Lyon
Family Service Advisor

Tony DiPanni
Family Service Advisor

Tom Aldini
Family Service Advisor

Tony Bennett
Family Service Advisor

Colleen O’Connor
Marker Specialist

Stephen Vermeal
Operations Manager

Terry Nosek-Lead
Family Environment Specialist

Jason Rigley-Lead
Family Environment Specialist

Deanna Cortese
Outreach Director

Ted Butkin
Outreach Manager

Veronica North
Hispanic Outreach Manager

View All Staff Members

Mission Programs

Our mission is to provide guidance and wisdom on end of-life services. While we do charge for our services in what has become a very commercial industry, we are committed as a charity to offer innovative programs that provide financial assistance, free options, and programs to meet the needs of our faith community.

Pastoral Care Program
All Souls Remembrance Program
Mother Teresa Program
Family Heritage Program
Precious Lives Program

Holy Sepulchre

History & Facilities

Located in Southfield, Michigan, Holy Sepulchre Cemetery dates its beginning to 1928. Situated on beautiful forested grounds it has a calming effect on all who visit, or stroll alongside Lake Geneserath, home to many and various birds and waterfowl like geese, ducks and even an occasional blue heron or egret. It consists of about 350 acres of land and sits like an oasis in the busy enclave of Oakland County.

Many monuments and private family mausoleums herald the names of many prominent individuals from Michigan. One Michigan Governor, Harry Francis Kelly (Governor 1943-1946) rests here. Many politicians also are there, such as Congressman John D. Dingell Sr. (father of the current Congressman). Leaders of the Archdiocese of Detroit rest there, including all the bishops and archbishops from Bishop Peter Paul Lefevre to Cardinals Edward Mooney and John Dearden. Many Detroit clergymen rest at Holy Sepulchre, with some as the noted radio-priest Fr. Charles Coughlin and the founder of Focus:Hope Fr. William Cunningham interred in family lots. Many religious organizations, both male and female, priests, brothers and nun are also there. Included among them as the Felician Sisters, Religious Sisters of Mercy, Basilian Fathers, Little Sister of the Poor, Franciscan Fathers, Congregation of Christian Brothers, PIME Missionary Fathers, Carmelite Sisters, the Society of Mary (Marists), Dominican Friars, Dominican Nuns, Daughters of Divine Charity, and others. Veterans of all wars and conflicts from the Civil War onward rest there. One Civil War “hero”, Captain John C. Hardy of the 2nd Michigan Infantry, who led a successful countercharge at Fort Steadman in March, 1865 to beat back the last serious offensive of the Confederate Army before the city of Petersburg, Va. is there. After the war he fathered three priest-sons and one daughter-nun. The sports world is definitely represented there by Tiger owners Frank Navin and Walter O. “Spike” Briggs, as well as baseball players Charlie Gehringer, Billy Rogell, Steve Gromek, Al Cicotte, Harry Heilmann, Vic Wertz and Barney McCosky. Many leaders of industry such as the seven Fisher Brothers are there. Viola Liuzzo, the Civil Rights Worker slain in the 1960’s is there. Many funeral directors of the area are there, too numerous to mention. And many ordinary and humble Catholics, who achieved their own stature in life rest beside the well-known at Holy Sepulchre.

The Main Mausoleum at Holy Sepulchre dates back to 1950, with additional Outdoor Mausoleums and Columbaria erected in the mid-1990’s.

All in all, this is sacred ground, dedicated to the memory of all who rest within its boundaries. It is a place ideal for prayerful, quiet thoughts and meditations, and a fitting example of our Christian faith and beliefs.

The Archdiocesan Catholic Cemeteries, Holy Sepulchre, is an extension of the Catholic Church which ministers to the faithful at significant moments in their lives - primarily the moment of death of a loved one. All services, available to the families and friends of the loved one, are designed to emulate the comfort and compassion of Jesus. Our ministries are rooted in a firm belief in the sacredness of human life.

  • Holy Sepulchre is on 350 acres
  • Stations of the Cross Cremation Garden and Nature Walk
  • Niches available with glass, bronze or marble fronts
  • Large indoor mausoleum contains crypts, niches and private rooms
  • Outdoor Garden Mausoleum
  • Family estates available with a variety of options
  • Flush and upright granite memorials
  • Bench Memorials

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Immediate Need Pre - Planning