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Detroit, MI 48209
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Jeffrey Koras Accountant
Donna VanHooser Location Manager
Sherry Trombly Assistant Location Manager
Samantha Waitinas Assistant Location Manager
Lori Mariles Administrative Assistant
Christine Putz Administrative Assistant
Ron Wolney Family Service Advisor
Pilar Ruiz Family Service Advisor
David Seog Family Service Advisor
Rebecca Escobar-Hablo Espanol Family Service Advisor
Paul Devetac-Hablo Espanol Family Service Advisor
Christopher Villalta Family Service Advisor
Margarita Hayward-Hablo Espanol Family Service Advisor
Stephen Vermeal Operations Manager
Ed Hacker-Lead Family Environment Specialist
Marty Anderson-Lead Family Environment Specialist
Deanna Cortese Outreach Director
Ted Butkin Outreach Manager
Veronica North Hispanic Outreach Manager
Our mission is to provide guidance and wisdom on end of-life services. While we do charge for our services in what has become a very commercial industry, we are committed as a charity to offer innovative programs that provide financial assistance, free options, and programs to meet the needs of our faith community.
Holy Cross Cemetery was organized about the year 1850 in what was then Springwells Township, a suburb of the City of Detroit. Over the years, property was added to the original area which is now known as Section B. The current property is at 40 acres, and Springwells Township is now part of Southwest Detroit.
Although the neighborhood has changed over the years, Holy Cross has still maintained its beauty and dignity with plantings and greenery, and many majestic family memorials, some of which are statuary in nature, but inspirational also. Many of the names on these memorials are dedicated to noted names and families of Detroit and the Downriver Community among whom are John Kronk, noted Detroit City Councilman and who gave his name to the Kronk Athletic Center in Detroit; many priests and clergy are interred here such as Fr. Joseph Dustin, CSSR, the famous banjo-playing priest of Holy Redeemer Parish; many priests from the Redemptorist Order are here; Funeral Directors such as Pinkos, Czopek, Solosy are here. So many people of various backgrounds and nationalities and occupations all repose here in eternal memory and peace. This is the feeling we hope that everyone who visits at Holy Cross Cemetery leaves with - a feeling of peace and tranquility, and a symbol to our Catholic faith.